Welcome  from the REL Chair

The REL website is the section's third platform, adding to Twitter and Facebook.


REL was created in 2013. It came about due to a felt need for such a focus in ISA.


This was reflected in the number/quality of papers on religion and IR at ISA annual conventions, about 3-5% of papers presented annually. Until REL, they lacked organisational focus. REL has more than 200 members and every year sponsors 20+ panels and roundtables at annual ISA conventions.

But we want more members! Please  join!!



REL's four goals:


1.  Promote exchange of ideas among REL-interested scholars across disciplinary and international boundaries;

2.  Support a scholarly community and promote REL-related studies;

3.  Facilitate networking and cooperation among scholars and students working on religion and International Relations.

4.  Strengthen research and teaching in the field and attract talented new scholars to it.