
2022 Section Award Calls

Distinguished Scholar, Book, and Graduate Paper awards will be presented during the REL Section reception at the ISA 2022 Annual Convention.

Nomination deadline has passed
Nomination deadline has passed
Nomination deadline has passed

The Religion & International Relations Section (REL) has created this convention award to support costs of travel/registration for postgraduate students and scholars in the global south to attend the 2022 ISA convention in Nashville.


Recipient Criteria

  1. Recipients must be current members of ISA.

  2. At the time of conference registration, awardees should be or will register to be

    members of the REL Section.

  3. The award is primarily intended for scholars located in the global south, whose work

    contributes or is expected to contribute to scholarship on religion and international relations. Deserving would be recipients not located in the global south are also eligible to apply, although preference will be given to individuals located in the global south.

  4. Recipient will be required to submit receipts for reimbursement to receive funds.

  5. Recipients will be required to check in at the travel grant desk to receive funds.


• Six awards of $600.00 (USD) will be awarded (based on approved receipts).

Selection Process

  • The selection committee, made up of three individuals from the REL executive committee, will select award recipients. Preference will be given to scholars who are members of the REL section of ISA. Awardees should be contributing/expect to contribute to scholarship on religion and international relations. Preference will be given to: (1) scholars who are employed, and (2) registered students of an institution that has minimal or no support for conference travel.

  • Awardees may request to remain anonymous for security or personal reasons.

Nomination/Application Instructions

  • Applicants are requested to submit a short biography and accepted abstract of the work that they will be presenting (or the abstract of the roundtable they will be participating in) or make the case why they are deserving of the award for another reason.

  • Applications should be sent to Section Chair Jeffrey Haynes ( no later than 31 December 2021.