Award Information

Recipient Criteria

  1. Recipients must be current members of ISA.
  2. Nominees should have a substantial and demonstrable record of publishing and service in the field of Religion and International Studies.



The recipient will receive a plaque at the awards presentations at the annual Religion and International Studies reception.

Selection Process

  1. A Call for Nominations is announced. Nominations should be made to the committee by email, including a nomination letter written by a scholar other than the nominee and the nominee's CV. The person making the nomination should make sure that the nominee agrees to the nomination, and they are available to attend next year's ISA, should they be extended the award.
  2. REL members nominate senior scholars who have had an impact Religion and International Studies, and preferably, scholars who have a history of ISA attendance.
  3. The Distinguished Scholar Committee, composed of three members of the REL section, then reviews the nominations and makes a decision, taking into account the history of publications, service and mentorship of the nominees.

Nomination/Application Instructions

  • The deadline to apply for this award is May 31, 2024.
  • If you are nominating a scholar, please make sure to have the nominee’s consent first.

Committee Members

Ron E. Hassner | Chair
April 2024- March 2025
University of California Berkeley

Nukhet Sandal | Member
April 2024- March 2025
Ohio University University

Jocelyne Cesari | Member
April 2024- March 2025
Harvard University


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2024 REL Awards

Religion and International Studies Distinguished Scholar Award